mRNA 2.0: Trump’s Pandemic Play & the Bird Flu Threat

6 days ago

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A dire warning is being issued that sounds the alarm over the potential rollout of a brand-new mRNA vaccine under the current Trump administration. Having selected a former Biden biosecurity agent and head of Global One Health (WHO) to head the White House Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy, rumors are circulating that team Trump are in high-level discussions on how to handle an incoming Bird Flu pandemic. This time around, the reports of new injectables are not coming from the far-left media but are instead coming from more credible sources. Like the inventor of the technology itself.
#jamesanthonyreport #mrna #vaccines
Partial Transcript:
According to several media reports, the Trump administration has selected Gerald Parker PhD. as head of the White House Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy. The office itself was created in the aftermath of the COVID-19 Pandemic, having officially been launched in July of 2023 to oversee the creation of next-gen measures including treatments and vaccines. Parker was head of Global One Health at Texas A&M University, a wing of the World Health Organization and was head of the National Science
Advisory Board for Biosecurity under the previous Biden Administration. It is also being reported that Gerald Parker is a "big fan" of the pro-vaccine activist Peter Hotez, a man who claimed that a new pandemic is right around the corner for the new Trump administration to deal with. With reports of Bird Flu picking up steam in the mainstream media since the announcement in June of last year
that a new strain had been detected in humans for the first time, a warning is being issued that team Trump may be rolling out a new mRNA vaccine to combat this. And it's not coming from the usual suspects. Dr. Robert Malone, the virologist credited with initially developing mRNA technology, is claiming that Trump is currently in high level talks with administration officials about rolling out a Bird Flu "vaccine". While the selection of Parker as head of the office that Trump suggested he may do away with while on the campaign trail is puzzling, it is more likely that Trump is concerned with safeguarding the economy from an attack before it can even be jump started. And it should be pointed out that Trump withdrew the United States
from the WHO in one of his first acts as President. Still, the attack on our food supply via the threat of a new virus under a President that the mainstream media hates should be enough to give pause and ask if we are once again on the cusp of another mRNA vaccine.
And if so, why?
This is James Anthony Reporting.

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