Patriot Punkcast #85 - Gang Hype, Mail Gripes & Flag Stripes w/ Courtenay Turner

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Tren de Aragua arrests have been making news for the last month or so, ever since Trump won the November election. Now the TN Holler is saying that the gang may not even be in Tennessee. Who can you believe?
Plus, some postal customers in Jackson are complaining about excessive delays--some saying they've been awaiting packages for over 2 months.
Is this just a Mississippi thing? Or is it effecting Tennessee, too?

Plus, Tennessee is proposing a bill to ban everything but the TN State Flag and USA Flag from classrooms. Do you support or oppose it?

Joining us for this exciting discussion is Courtenay Turner, host of the Courtenay Turner Podcast. Follow her on Rumble or check out her website:

TAGS: Gangs, Tren de Aragua, Venezuelan Gangs, criminal aliens, immigrants, migrant crime, Tennessee, Antioch, Trafficking, Human Trafficking, Crime and Punishment, ICE, deportations, illegal aliens, illegal immigrants, Flag Law, Tennessee, TN Flag, TN Flag Law, Post Office, USPS, Post Office Delays, Postal, Post Office problems, Jackson Tennessee, West Tennessee, Middle Tennessee, East Tennessee, East TN, West TN, Middle TN, Patriot Punk Podcast, Patriot Punk, Patriot Punkcast, Patriot Punk Network, Podcasts, Trending News, Gang Violence, Tennessee Podcasts, Trump Immigration, Build the Wall, Courtenay Turner

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