TRUMP'S INTERNAL WAR - The dismantling of the Deep State

10 days ago

The Deep State apparatus refuses to recognize Trump's win -- and have been working OVERTIME to hold up and destroy any chance Trump has to fix and/or repair the damage.

Guys like, Norm Eisen, are playing "COVER DEFENSE" using the CORRUPTED DC COURTS to hold up Trump's policies and directives.

They WILL NOT WIN -- as the SUPREME COURT will rectify this CORRUPTION on an EMERGENCY Docket later this month. However -- it is UP TO US to keep the conversation going, as the #MSM are purposely selling the American People -- "NOISE" aka Bull-Sh*t.

REMEMBER -- NO MORE GAMES! WE ARE IN THE "DAYS OF THUNDER" and will not STOP until we have Seized the institutions and removed the ROT embedded within.

See you on the battlefield.

ALSO: THE COLD OPEN CLIP -- WAS RIPPED FROM #warroom. The commentary I mentioned in the video about Natalie can be found here:

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The Rollman Revolution / David S. Rollman aka "DaveMan", your humble host, is a no-nonsense guy, who cares not about BEING right, but rather GETTING THINGS RIGHT.
The power resides within you, it always has. Time to use that power, my friends.

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