Parasites Found In Covid PCR Nasal Swab Test

9 days ago

Be aware of these covid nasal swab test because it is causing deaths and long term health problems. News and doctors are telling people they have long term Covid. Its not Covid that's causing people to have long term health issues. It's the PCR test thats causing health problems. Most people are not aware of the poisoned covid pcr nasal swab test is causing blood clots, heart attack, strokes, artery disease, infections, and many other life threatening illness. I myself almost died from the poison covid pcr test. Ive always been a healthy person and worked out every day. Ive been a healthy vegan that eat foods that full of nutritious and mineral to mantain a healthy living, ive been eating this way since 2016. Ive always took great proud and invest so much into my health, fitness and spiritual growth. My health challenges started soon as I got a covid test that was mandatory. Soon as I got that test in 2022 I immediately had a reaction to it within 15 to 30 seconds that gave me a brain freeze, nostril burning, chill sensation in my brain that moved towards the back of my neck. Thats not normal for someone brain to feel that way, when i never had this problem before until I was force to get that test. My spirit knew something wasn't right about that covid nasal swab test. days later is when I started having severe health problems. 2 days later after the covid pcr test i woke out my sleep with severe back pains, tightness,  Numbness in my right arm and leg. Felt like something was inside my body attacking it. From that day my life changed for the worse, each day, weeks, months and year, I started having severe back, legs, fingers and arm pain, jaw and teeth pain, Numbness in my arms, fingers and legs, cold hands and feet, developed blood clots, lungs problems, heart Pericarditis, inflammation all throughout my body, autoimmune, Rheumatoid problems, neurological problems, blurred vision, itchy and burning eyes sometimes, brain fog, brain tremors (diagnose with gliosis), acid reflux, WBC and RBC blood counts and hemoglobin count dropped extremely low, brain gliosis, Candida, body chills, cold hands and feet, pain and Numbness in feet.
It feels like water is draining inside my legs. white spots all over my legs, itching, tenderness and burning sensation on back and legs. Legs and arms have feeling of needles sticking me in my arteries, my body vibrating, now im very sensitive to cell phone radiation, I have crawling sensations (parasites) throughout my body, severe burning sensation in my intestines that caused intestinal loop, that lead me towards having bowel obstruction intestinal surgery and almost died.

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