Psalm 9, Part 9: Mere Mortals

8 hours ago

There have been through the years some false teachers who have tried to convince others that they are God. There are some philosophies that teach in roundabout ways that we ourselves are God and have total determination of our life. There are some religions that teach that if you do as they teach you will someday be a God. But as Pastor Rick concludes our Psalm 9 study we discover that these kind of teachings are in direct opposition to the truth of God’s Word. In fact, we find in King David’s case, he asked God to bring his enemies to the realization that they (as are those false teachers), “Mere Mortals”
This message was taped during the morning service on January 26, 2025, and edited for broadcast for the week of February 23, 2025. If you would like to contact us, please use the contact information given at the end of this video. Thank you.

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