Congratulating PlanB for his bravery of coming out (Clip from AMN #14)

12 days ago

PlanB was brave and courageous for coming out and admitting how he really feels about Bitcoin. I am so proud of him. I'm hopeful he starts a movement, leading other Maxis to admit how they really feel.

Clip is taken from episode 14 of Anti Moonboy News.

Superchats (will be read at the start of Anti Moonboy News each week):
XMR Donation Address: 84tVkJ6zAHyEpE8yBmkdVtY9s85DLmAwqX4uAdDsswHn4aRw7HpdEabfWigs8Y5QQRarqLj1TLZha38mjHTYJABUHEzgPTA
Where to follow:

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