OOPS! No sound 'til 00:24:45 --- "The Brother From Another Planet" (1984)

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At 00:24:45 SOUND comes ON! OOPS!! ----
---- Happy Of-Color Month ya'all!
"The Sun Shines Bright" is a 1953 reboot of the previously viewed "Judge Priest" (1934), again featuring Stepin Fetchit, was a remake inspired by the fact that a near-lynching scene had been removed from the original version by Paramount. It was directed by the same individual in both films however, John Ford. But this version is coming off of WWII, as TV sets become the center-pieces of households across the United States, status symbols of prominence, while the Communist Party was entrenching itself within every aspect of American living...

Can you see the glaring tropes in the advertisement alone.!?

Alternatively you can choose to watch "The Brother From Another Planet" (1984 - released same year as the original "Beverly Hills Cop"). This one is about an "African-American" who is an "alien" not from Africa (STANDARD), but rather an alien from outer-space. Those of you who show up for the livestream get to vote on which!

This low-budget flick was really nothing but a sold plot-point that was used to string all the standard Hollywood propagations together, one after the other, without care for producing something of value or actually considering the wellbeing of the masses. -Doesn't that sound very much like the garbage habitually put out in the 21st century...?!?
See if you can spot them (feminism, CRT, pro-homo, pro-drugs, pro-violence, etc.)

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Nicodemus Serpico UNcensored:





Special thanks to the creative talents of CLMC music for their permission to use new music! -https://www.youtube.com/@clmcmusic
Benny Hill theme song ("Chase")- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-ekbfUTVuI
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