Kita Rose: Victim - Or Volunteer???

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One of the things I did while I was under the weather over the past few weeks, was to sit with this whole dustup regarding Ms. Kita Rose, formerly of the wildly popular "Tonight's Conversation" show that was the brainchild of Ace Metaphor; Ms. Rose has "gone loud" with her take on her former employer, levying a truckload of allegations against him - many of whom seem only tangentially related to the labor dispute that seems at the center of it all in the first place. Along the way, Ms. Rose gives her take on a whole range of issues: Fellow castmate Ms. Kitty Rose; the Six The Goddis fiasco in the summer of 2023; Derrick Jaxn, whom she claims to have never heard of prior to working for Ace (which I personally found to be very hard to believe); and of course, my late friend, "Saint Kevin" Samuels(!). (Quick sidebar: WHY DOES KEVIN'S NAME ALWAYS COME UP WHEN SOMETHING CONTROVERSIAL HAPPENS INVOLVING BLACK WOMEN?!?) As I reviewed the "evidence" - Ms. Rose's self-proclaimed, multi-part "docu-series" "exposing" Ace and others, her social media appearances such as the Hardly Uninitiated and Tasha K podcasts and so on, I got more and more uneasy with the whole thing; the more Ms. Rose talked, the more difficulty I found just sitting with the whole thing. And after weeks of doing this - reviewing the "evidence" - and now that I feel good enough and strong enough to come back to the air - I'm ready to go loud myself with my own take on this whole ball of wax and share exactly how and why I felt so "off" about it. Fresh off her appearance on the Tasha K show, we have to finally ask: Is Kita Rose, a victim - or a volunteer? That is today's burning question we're gonna talk about TODAY ONLY ON RUMBLE!

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