Understanding Jain Philosophy: The Deep Insights of Dharma, Adharma, Akash & Kaala Dravya !Chapter 6

5 hours ago

Hello everyone! In this video, we’ll dive deep into Jain philosophy and explore the key concepts of Dharma Dravya, Adharma Dravya, Akash Dravya, and Kaala Dravya. Have you ever wondered how everything around us functions? Why do we walk, talk, or place things in certain spots? In this video, we'll uncover how these ancient principles explain the forces that shape our actions and the world we live in.

We’ll see how these Dravyas work together to create a balanced system, giving us the structure of life as we know it.

If you're interested in understanding the profound teachings of Jainism, make sure to hit that subscribe button and join us on this insightful journey.

Like and share this video so more people can discover the deep wisdom of Jain philosophy. Jai Jinendra!
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