Flexibility ✨Series💚2/1/25🤸‍♀️

12 days ago

Flexiblty ✨Series 💚2/1/25🤸‍♀️ includes the following:

11 backbend kickovers in sequence beginning at 00:27

4 backbend kickovers in sequence

Backbend kickover to frontlimber

Frontlimbers at 8:47 , 9:02 , 9:27 , 9:45 and throughout the video

Cyrwheel split arch-back to leg-hold at 10:35 , 12:27

Cyrwheel split-stand scale leg-hold at 15:13 , 16:44

One arm straddle L hold in cyrwheel at 18:47 , 19:23 , 19:38

Double straddle oversplits at 24:37 to 24:42

And immediately afterwards:
Backbend hands-to-heels
(Contortion) at 25:51

#flexibility Series 2/1/25 🤸‍♀️💚 #backbending #kickover #11backbendkickovers #frontlimbers #backbend #handstoheels #contortionist #contortionpose #handstofeet #kickovertolimber #oversplits #doubleoversplit #cyrwheel #arch #onearnhold #totalgym #bodyweightttraining #backbends #limber #straddleoversplit #bendy #backbendkickover #upperbackstretch #backflexibility #legflexibility #training @sundanzz @5410camoteroadsw88030silverman #5410camoteroadswdemingnm88030 #ב

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