18 days ago

This is a HUGE issue & I did not expect it! Please watch & share.

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DIVINE MESSAGE SPECIALLY FOR YOU- Bookings starting next week
I am guided to offer a written Divinely Channelled service of a message from Source (or from Higher Beings like Archangel Michael). We are experiencing a massive Earthly transition & people are requiring extra support & guidance right now in their lives, so I have been asked to offer these Divine messages for you.
Of course, everyone is able to access their own Divine messages however many people are feeling stuck, lost, would like confirmation of their own guidance or just feel like some encouragement forward at this time. We are all here to support one another at this time & are not expected to do it alone.
This Higher guidance is powerful, profound & helpful & specifically for you, in your life. I personally have received incredible benefits from them on my life journey. I will bring them through with no prior information from you.

All you do is book your Divine message in link below with the full name of the recipient & I will bring it through at first opportunity in written form & email it to you in a beautiful PDF format. Messages can vary in length according to what needs to come through & can be multiple pages or shorter.

If this speaks to you ... I am honoured to announce that I am now offering this service at this time, as directed by Source.
Please book your Divine Message in this payment link below

Love Medyhne X

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