Autism: Behaviors, Candida, and Parasites

12 days ago

Are you concerned about your child’s behaviors?

Do they hurt themselves or others or YOU? Ripping hair out, tearing at arms, biting, kicking, and screaming?

Are they hyperactive, using your furniture as a jungle gym?

Or are you walking on eggshells anytime you have to take them off their tablet or get in the car?

Are you worried they may have Candida, yeast, or parasites?

Dr. Jared Skowron, 21-year international autism doctor, will guide you through the medical aspects of behaviors in autism, and how they can be connected to gut infections of candida, parasites, and more! Dr. Skowron reviews which treatments are scientifically researched to help improve your child, using natural supplements, and without needing pharmaceuticals!

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