NOT A STUNT! 16-Year-Old Claims She's White; Blacks Are Monkeys And Hoodrats

6 years ago

I don't watch Dr. Phil because I don't have time and it's not my style but I came across this video where the title was: "16-Year-Old Girl Treasure Is A Racist Against Her Own Race!"

The first 53 seconds of this video showed me that this young lady used to be a white woman in her last life now she is trapped in a black woman's body for this life that's all it is evolution, that's the only explanation I could come up with. Either that or she hit her head and she's someone else.

I thought it was her mom's fault and the doctor even stated it was her mom's fault but I don't accept that. As a parent, you want the best for your children so if they lived in a white neighborhood as she was growing up, more power to her. I didn't expect her mom to tell her she was beneath white people either. Whoever placed these thoughts in her mind including the Ku Klux Klan, wasn't her mother's doing.

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