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Few individuals were as dedicated to implementing the concept of transfer as Yosef Weitz, member of the Jew­ish Agency’s first Transfer Committee [...] and the author of one of the transfer pro­posals drawn up at the time. [...] Weitz had become increas­ingly focused on the issue, seeing it as the only means through which the future of the Jewish state could be as­sured. However, like the rest of the Yishuv leadership, he believed that the solution would have to await the end of the [Second World] war, when a radically changed situation would make Arab evacuation feasible. In the meantime, he was determined to facilitate its implementation. One of the best sources of insight into the Yishuv leadership’s transfer ideas during World War II is found in the unedited manuscript of the Weitz diary


Weitz's intimate knowledge of and involvement in land purchase made him eminently aware of its limitations. As late as 1947, after almost half a century of tireless and relentless efforts, the collective ownership of the Jewish National Fund - which constituted over one-half of the Yishuv total - amounted to a mere 3.5 percent of the land area of Palestine. Weitz was in a better position than most to know that “without taking action to transfer [Arab] population we will not be able to solve our question by [land] buying."

~ Nur Masalha, Expulsion of the Palestinians: The Concept of "Transfer" in Zionist Political Thought, 1882-1948 (1992)

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