Prayer based on Romans 12:2 ENG Chinese Pinyin

13 days ago

NOTES - Prayer based on Romans 12:2 / Luómǎ shū 12:2 / 罗马书 12:2
O God, please help me not to copy the behaviour and customs of this world
Shén a, qiú Nǐ bāngzhù wǒ bùyào mófǎng zhège shídài de xíngwéi hé guànlì
神啊, 求你帮助我不要模仿这个时代的行为和惯例
Shén 神 God
a 啊 [used at the end of the sentence to convey a feeling of admiration or an undertone of warning]
Shén a 神啊 O God
qiú 求 (verb) beg, entreat, request, seek
nǐ 你 you
bāng 帮 (verb) help, assist
zhù 助 (verb) help, assist, aid
bāngzhù 帮助 (verb) help, assist
wǒ 我 I/me
bù 不 no, not
yào 要 (verb) want, desire, need, must
mó 模 (verb) imitate
fǎng 仿 (verb) imitate, copy, resemble, be like
mófǎng 模仿 (verb) imitate, copy, mimic
zhè 这 this, this one
gè 个 [measure word]
shì 世 (noun) world, life
dài 代 (noun) generation
shìdài 世代 (noun) for generations, from generation to generation
de 的 [used after a noun]
xíng 行 (noun) behaviour
wéi 为 (verb) do, act, act as, become
xíngwéi 行为 (noun) behaviour, conduct, action
hé 和 and
guàn 惯 (adj) be used to, be in the habit of
lì 例 (noun) precedent, rule, (adj) regular, routine
guànlì 惯例 (noun) usual practice, convention

Help me to obey Your commandments
Bāngzhù wǒ jǐnshǒu Nǐ de mìnglìng
bāng 帮 (verb) help, assist
zhù 助 (verb) help, assist, aid
bāngzhù 帮助 (verb) help, assist
wǒ 我 I/me
jǐn 谨 (adj) careful, cautious, solemnly, sincerely
shǒu 守 (noun) observe, abide by
jǐn shǒu 谨守 adhere, abide
nǐ 你 you
de 的 [used after a noun, used after a pronoun]
nǐ de 你的 your, yours
mìng 命 (noun) life, order, command
lìng 令 (noun) command, order, decree
mìnglìng 命令 (noun) commandment

When I read the Bible, let me be transformed by the renewing of my mind,
Dāng wǒ dú Shèngjīng de shíhòu, ràng wǒ de xīnyì gēngxīn ér gǎibiàn,
dāng 当 when
wǒ 我 I
dú 读 (verb) read
Shèngjīng 圣经 the Bible; the Holy Bible
de 的 [used after a noun/pronoun, used after a verb as an attribute]
shí 时 (noun) time, times, season
hòu 候 (noun) time, season
shíhòu 时候 (noun) (the duration) of time, (a point) in time, moment
ràng 让 (verb) let, allow
wǒ de 我的 my
xīn 心 heart
yì 意 (noun) wish, desire, expectation, idea
xīnyì 心意 (noun) kindly feelings, mind
gēng 更 (verb) change, replace
xīn 新 (adj) new
gēngxīn 更新 (verb) renew, replace
ér 而 [connect cause and effect, aim and means of action]
gǎi 改 (verb) change, transform
biàn 变 (verb) change, transform
gǎibiàn 改变 (verb) change, transform

so that I can know your will,
shǐ wǒ kěyǐ zhīdào nǐ de zhǐyì,
shǐ 使 (verb) make, cause, enable
wǒ 我 I
kě 可 (verb) can, may
yǐ 以 [indicating purpose] in order to, so as to
kěyǐ 可以 (verb) can, may
zhī 知 (verb) know, be aware of
dào 道 road, way, path, doctrine, principle
zhīdào 知道 (verb) know, be aware of
nǐ 你 you
de 的 [used after a noun, used after a pronoun]
nǐ de 你的 your, yours
zhǐ 旨 (noun) purport, purpose
yì 意 (noun) wish, desire, expectation, idea
zhǐyì 旨意 (noun) decree, order

Your good, acceptable, and perfect will
Nǐ měihǎo de, yuè nà de, wánquán de zhǐyì
你美好的, 悦纳的, 完全的旨意
nǐ 你 you
měi 美 (adj) good, beautiful
hǎo 好 (adv) good, fine
měihǎo 美好 (adj) happy, bright, good
de 的 [used after an adjective]
měihǎode 美好的 wonderful
yuè 悦 (adj) happy, pleased, delighted
nà 纳 (verb) receipt, accept, admit
yuènà 悦纳 accept
yuè nà de 悦纳的 acceptable
wán 完 (adj) whole
quán 全 (adj) whole, entire, complete, perfect, (adv) completely, entirely
wánquán 完全 (adj) complete, whole, (adv) completely, wholly, fully
wánquánde 完全的 (adv) completely
zhǐ 旨 (noun) purport, purpose
yì 意 (noun) wish, desire, expectation, idea
zhǐyì 旨意 (noun) decree, order

Thank you, God. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Xiè xiè nǐ, Shén. Fèng Yēsū de míng, Āmen.
谢谢你,神. 奉耶稣的名, 阿们。
xiè 谢 (verb) thank
xiè xiè 谢谢 (verb) thanks, thank you
nǐ 你 you
Shén 神 God
fèng 奉 (verb) present or receive with respect, esteem, revere
Yēsū 耶稣 Jesus
de 的 [used after a noun, used after a pronoun]
míng 名 (noun) name
Āmen 阿们 Amen

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