Operation Amber Alert

21 days ago

This is a documentary about Child Trafficking done by Ryan Matta. Follow him on X. He has decided to provide this with out asking for compensation. He made up his mind that this is far too important to gatekeep. I absolutely agree with him and it is partially what upsets me about many of these documentary creators. This information is critical to spread as far and wide as possible as quickly as possible.

We are running out of time. He speaks about how to donate to his research and I highly suggest if you have anything to donate that you do. He is focusing on America's involvement in this, and a lot of Americans have no idea that we are running it. These people upset about auditing our government have no idea where the money is going to lead us to. It is their money.

They have made them the sinners and they don't even know about it. Would you pay your taxes if you knew they were funding child trafficking? I sure as hell wouldn't, and I have stopped when I found this out.

I shared this from his profile from X and got banned literally an hour later. So I am uploading it here just for safekeeping. I will likely write about it on my website.

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