May 8, 2023 46a Taxi ride to Hotel Pax Opera from Quai Jacques Chirac

1 day ago

1st, 2023 - June 2nd, 2023: Europe Trip

May 8, 2023 46a Taxi ride to Hotel Pax Opera from Quai Jacques Chirac

Paris Sightseeing

After the rude taxi left, we took the next taxi and headed for the hotel.
This was when i realized that we could have a better view of the Eiffel Tower and Erin could actually get a good sketch of the Eiffel Tower. But, by then, we were already late and wanted to get some sleep. As the taxi was heading toward the hotel, i couldn't help but notice that the route the taxi driver took was quite different the route suggested by Google. I tried to point that out to the driver but he wasn't too keen on taking my suggestion.

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