10 days ago


- Transfiguration: the RE-SPIRITualization (living light body and atomic body merge back into Spirit Body) of the physical atomic structure.

- Transfiguration happens through a process of Higher Identity Accretion where One merges with their living light body and then merges through cellular transfiguration by merging with the Eternal Spirit consciousness.

- When One obtains Transfiguration, they are able to TRANSMIGRATE - or take their physical atomic body with them and permanently re-locate to any space time location as written about in the book Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East. They can blink in and blink out in any space/time location with their physical body.

- There are specific sound tones and symbols that one can tone from the original light language Anuhazi/Mua that can signal to your Spirit consciousness that you are choosing to call in your Eternal Spirit consciousness for cellular transfiguration.

- You can access this technique plus more in the ETERNAL LIFE TRIBE online commUnity: comment 'TRIBE' and I’ll send you a link to join.

See you inside 🙏🏽"

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