
2 days ago

🟢 20241231

#陰謀集團垮台的結論 - 第 1 部分: #權力金字塔

The Conclusion to the Fall of the Cabal - Part 1: #ThePyramidOfPower


#陰謀集團垮台結論 第 1 部分!
關於 #陰謀集團 身份的全新系列。
作者: #辛莎科特 ,編輯: #查茲湯普森 第 1 部分 - 權力金字塔 在這一集中,我們發現了統治世界的 3 大權力釘子,我們深入研究其中的第一個,併發現 #金融機構 對我們生活的影響力,從財務角度來說, #單一世界政府 已經建立並運行!


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Welcome to part 1 of The Conclusion to the Fall of the Cabal!  A brand new series about the identity of the #Cabal .  By #CynthaKoeter Edited by #ChazThompson  Part 1 – The Pyramid of Power  In this episode we discover the 3 nails of power that rule the world. We dive into the first one of them and discover the power that #FinancialInstitution s have over our lives. Financially spoken, the #OneWorldGovernment is already up and running! The Cabal is not one person nor a fixed group of persons. It consists of Committees, Groups, Think tanks, more commissions and NGO’s. They are always unelected and unaccountable for their deeds, but their decrees and treaties are binding worldwide. How is that possible? You will find out in this first part of THE CONCLUSION!  If you liked this part, please consider supporting my work: https://www.fallcabal.com/ I make these documentaries without being paid, so please be generous in your donations! This way I can continue giving my work to the world for free, in order to inform as many people as possible...  Join my FallCabal Telegram Platform for free daily updates: https://t.me/Fall_of_the_Cabal And don't forget to subscribe to www.fallcabal.com

來源: https://www.bitchute.com/video/uDWpF8DTO5aP

(感謝 香港大覺醒頻道 製作與分享影片訊息、大馬新冠逆苗 轉傳)

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