Judge Napolitano | Larry Johnson : Worrying About China | Sanctions

15 days ago

February17, 2025.

Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom

Larry Johnson "The United States has been threatening to go to war with China."

"The problem is that China's supplies are essential, critical, and necessary mineral resources to the U.S. defense industry," stated Larry Johnson. One important supplier of tungsten for use in military and aviation applications is China. The United States has now been cut off.

More sanctions on Russia; the US continues to purchase uranium from Russia.



The amount of tungsten in Earth’s crust is estimated to be 1.5 parts per million, or about 1.5 grams per ton of rock. China is the dominant producer of tungsten; in 2016 it produced over 80 percent of total tungsten mined, and it contained nearly two-thirds of the world’s reserves.

Vietnam, Russia, Canada, and Bolivia produce most of the remainder. Tungsten does not occur as a free metal. It is about as abundant as tin or as molybdenum, which it resembles, and half as plentiful as uranium.


As of 2020 about half of the antimony mined in the world came from China, and much of the rest came from Russia and Tajikistan. Small amounts are also recoverable from the production of copper and lead. Some antimony is reclaimed from scrap lead alloy from old batteries, to which antimony had been added to provide hardness.


In 2022, China was the leading producer of gallium world wide by a significant amount, having accounted for more than 98 percent of global production that year. Gallium has been considered as a possible heat-exchange medium in nuclear reactors, although it has a high neutron-capture cross section.


Germanium In 2022, China was the leading producer of germanium worldwide by far, having accounted for more than 93.5 percent of global production. The United States and Japan accounted for equal shares of the global production of germanium in that year, amounting to 1.44 percent each.

Electronics Using Germanium, Fiber Optics, Solar Cells, in Lenses, Catalysts.

Since January of 2022 Germanium’s price per kilogram has hovered just above $2,000.00 – this stuff is worth nearly as much as gold. ( 1 Kilogram = 2.20 Pounds )

Today’s price of Germanium is $4,096.40 per kg.

Germanium price link:

Strategic Metals Invest:


History of Washington Crossing the Delaware


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