How To Start A Nation: Economy

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No Sovereignty Without Self-sufficiency
Stomaria is a nation in the British Isles that advocates for family, freedom and fatherland so as to maintain a sustainable society that maximises personal liberty and community cohesion.
Other nations, each with their own unique cultures and identities, have been voluntarily integrated into the Empire of Stomaria as autonomous member states. Together, we’re striving for greater levels of self-sufficiency and self-determination in order to accomplish our common goals and build a better future for our children.

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How can a nation be formed?
Basically, if a group of people has a shared sense of nationalism, they form a “nation.” The idea of nationalism believes that once a group has defined itself as a nation they have a “natural right” to territory necessary to live in and govern in.

What three things make a nation?
Black's Law Dictionary defines a nation as follows: nation, n. (14c) 1. A large group of people having a common origin, language, tradition, and usage constitutes a political entity.

How to form a nation?
1. Learn about your country. It makes sense to learn about your country before you go off making a new one.
2. Make your plans. ...
3. Create rules. ...
4. Find territory for your micronation. ...
5. Build an island. ...
6. Invite your friends. ...
7. Establish a government and/or constitution. ...
8. Establish a law system.

A nation is a territory where all its people are the same government. The word “nation” can also refer to a group of people who share a history, traditions, culture and, often, language—even if the group does not have a political territory of its own

A sovereign state is usually required to have a permanent population, defined territory, a government not under another, and the capacity to interact with other sovereign states. In actual practice, recognition or non-recognition by other states plays an important role in determining the status of a Natioin

The four characteristics of a nation-state are sovereignty, land, population, and government.

You must have a defined territory. You must have a permanent population. You must have a government. Your government must be capable of interacting with other states

How to Start Your Own Country in 4 Easy Steps
You’ve picked out a flag, written a national anthem, even printed money with your face on it. But what’s the next step?
Step 1: Make sure you are eligible.

As tempting as it might be to declare your cubicle a sovereign state, customary international law actually does specify minimum standards for statehood.

You must have a defined territory. You must have a permanent population. You must have a government. Your government must be capable of interacting with other states. (This one is somewhat controversial. It was included as a qualification in the 1933 Montevideo Convention, which established the United States’ “good neighbor” policy of nonintervention in Latin America, but is generally not recognized as international law.)

However, now that your state is established, there are certain benefits you can expect, even if you’re not recognized by anyone. Once an entity has established itself as a de jure state, it will benefit from territorial integrity and certain guarantees of sovereignty

International Law. For instance, now that Kosovo is established as a state, Serbia can no longer freely attack it to bring it back into Serbia. It benefits from the prohibition of the use of force under the U.N. Charter. These rules were established during the Cold War to protect new states that were not yet recognized by one bloc or another

Step 3: Get recognized.

There’s not much point in having your own country unless other countries acknowledge your existence.

The United States has no official policy on what is required for recognition, according to its State Department. Instead, the decision to recognize a state is made by the president. Then the president decides whether to establish diplomatic relations with the state based on U.S. national interests. Theres no cookie-cutter approach, so when you ask for recognition, be sure to explain how your independence will be good for America.

As you can see, the point at which a territory officially becomes a country is very much in the eyes of the beholder. International recognition can be an elusive prize. The good news? The longer you wait, the better your chances become. In international law, which is often based on custom, the longer you can maintain your de jure sovereignty, the more likely you are to be accepted.

So don’t be discouraged. Starting your own Nation isn’t impossible. It’s just going to require a lot of patience and the right friends

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