A Lot of Unfounded Assumptions

1 day ago

emmajones8590 responds to a video about the medical board leaving John Biskind free to kill two patients with probably one of the most tone-deaf and dismissive responses imaginable: parroting abortion-advocacy talking points about how the Legalization Fairy sprinkles her magic Safety Dust and automatically makes legal abortions safer than the illegal kind.

The video emmajones8590 didn't seem to have attended to: https://youtu.be/X9m5fPwLYqo

About 90% of pre-legalization abortions were done by physicians: https://youtu.be/Z2ZG9-6GRzg?si=ufyEVL63oY1WBmtD

Mary Calderone's article you can read for yourself: https://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/pdf/10.2105/AJPH.50.7.948

The examples to which I refer:

Jesse Ketchum: https://youtu.be/YOt07q1yWSg
Milan Vuitch: https://youtu.be/t5PFpHi8wKc
Benjamin Munson: https://youtu.be/SDyBt3kXH6Q

Sharon Hamplton, shoved out the door to bleed to death: https://youtu.be/K587tGIoLzo

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