1 month ago

4PM 6” ^ SW417MO
Sharing best as possible, while learning iPhone. RUMBLE app not better than direct search access.
Your overall health determines whether you are prone to cancer and other maladies. Begins with behavioral health / lifestyle, mostly.
There are 2 things that everyone should do, ASAP. Watch < CANCER -The Forbidden Cures > and purchase test strips to assess your blood pH. Must be over 7.0. Then take dietary steps in order to ensure & maintain.
Chelation is only MAJOR PRIMARY resolution for particulates matter & forever chemicals, other than air filters. SEE BELOW. Must supplement with vitamins & >minerals<! Esp. Magnesium
Also vitamin D 🐓🥚🐄🥛☀️
ANCCR strives to find the best solutions - products & treatments.
Wish to share .
Sahara kale
citrus flavonoids
sophora japonica
FIRE & RAIN project- main directive
Do NOT share ANCCR info by any other means than verbally + face to face! IMPERATIVE! Only with like minded individuals. ONLY!
Everything else is monitored. TRUST!
Go to firemen & all first responders & tell them . Do NOT share link online in emails over phone, etc.
Even ink has lead. Think! WHY banned in paint? Mail X-ray. No wall shielding. NO LETTERS.
Cancer rate higher in firefighters.
We need your prayers, support, help. Them & US!
Yah bless you.

New personal insight for other R channel…
Secret of the 5th Seal
1Chronicles 25:7
2 Harvests
Passover - Sukkoth
Firstfruits + Tribulation Resurrection!
24 wings & Thrones 😉✝️

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