Article 5277 Video - International Public Notice: The Two Exchange Systems By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 5277 Video - International Public Notice: The Two Exchange Systems - Tuesday, February 18, 2025 By Anna Von Reitz

We call these two disparate things "exchange systems" instead of calling them "monetary systems" in hopes of dispelling the idea that fiat "legal tender" is "money".

It's not.

Money, by definition, has intrinsic commodity value in and of itself.
Like a gold coin. Gold has value as a commodity in its own right. That's why a gold coin is considered "money". The exchange of such physical asset-based money results in international trade. By its nature, actual money is "inelastic" --- the amount of money available is limited by the availability of the commodities used as money.

It is this inelastic quality of physical asset-based money that has caused most modern economies to adopt the use of "legal tender" also known as "commercial script" or "fiat money". The use of purely symbolic credits and debits allows "infinite" expansion and contraction of the (ahem!) monetary system. It also changes the venue of the transactions. Exchanges based on debits and credits result in commerce, not international trade, taking place.

From the standpoint of those masquerading as our government, the use of legal tender is preferable to the use of actual money for a number of reasons.

(1) Commodity-backed money requires stockpiling of the commodity being used as money -- traditionally gold and silver. Someone has to pay for the currency commodity and for warehousing and accounting for it;

(2) Commodity supplies are, by their nature, finite. This causes built in cycles of inflation and deflation of currencies as populations and economies fluctuate relative to the supplies of gold and/or silver;

(3) It's difficult if not impossible to hide embezzlement on a large scale in a traditional monetary system, but a fiat system allows abundant accounting mischief. So-called "money of account" can appear and disappear as easily as entering or deleting numbers from a spreadsheet;

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