MASSIVE Ukraine Fallout Blows Up In Starmer’s Face!

20 days ago

Right, so despite all the problems we have here in the UK, all the cuts being made because apparently we can’t afford stuff, lo and behold if Keir Starmer hasn’t raided the dressing up box again to find his bestest boy soldier uniform to put on and announce another 11% in defence spending and it has to be asked quite honestly what are we defending?
More departmental cuts to non ring fenced spending to pay for yet more bombs and rockets, because there is always money for war, but nothing to actually run the country with. The elderly freezing through this winter because of cuts to the winter fuel payment, child benefit has been frozen, the two child benefit cap remains in place as well, cuts to health services and aid for abuse survivors such as Safeline are being cut. More money for bombs and rockets never any to feed people or keep them warm or to house them or to help pay for local services as our council tax rises, disproportionately on the least well off, the list goes on and on. More benefits cuts, more local government cuts, more justice cuts, more culture cuts all so Starmer can play dress up and act like a big boy on the world stage when the UK’s armed forces have never been smaller to the point calls are being made to bring back national service and draft our young people into a war we’ve no business putting boots on the ground in. Starmer is an idiot and he can damn well leave our kids alone.
Right, so British troops in Ukraine. Billions more in military aid. And at home? Crippling cuts to public services from the home office, to the DWP, to local government to pay for Cosplay Keith’s latest desperate attempt to turn his fortunes around. Is he after a Falkland’s moment? Quite possibly, but unlike Thatcher, we no longer have the armed forces we once did, plus there’s the fact that although helping a nation we’re an ally of is one thing, it doesn’t have to be militarily, it could be humanitarian and goodness knows we’re already handing over enough cash we can’t afford to Ukraine as it is £3bn a year for as long as it takes, having been hiked to £4.5bn and now an 11 increase in defence spending.
This is the reality of Keir Starmer’s latest foreign policy decision – it’s nonsense, it won’t work and when everything is being slashed to pay for it, the question gets raised what exactly are we defending here, let alone risking British lives for another country.
Earlier this month, Keir Starmer announced that the UK is ready to send troops to Ukraine as part of a ‘peace process.’ Supposedly, this move is framed as a way to support Ukraine against Russian aggression and stabilise the region and when framed like that you might consider it to be a mission of humanitariansm, except it isn’t. Let’s be crystal clear here, this isn’t just a peacekeeping mission and actually it’s not even a new occurrence, because for all of Starmer’s bigging up of this idea of his, Polish officials have already revealed that UK special forces have been operating in Ukraine for some time already, so rather than being anything new, it’s actually an escalation. Here’s an excerpt from Declassified UK to explain:
‘Elite British special forces were operating on the ground in Ukraine weeks after Russia invaded last year. That is the allegation contained in a new book, Poland at War, by Polish journalist Zbigniew Parafianowicz.
The author is Ukraine correspondent for a daily newspaper in Warsaw and had access to political insiders and senior officials. He quotes an unnamed Polish government minister who claims to have run into British commandos in mid-March 2022 as he was travelling between Kyiv and the city of Zhytomyr.
The minister said: “It was a time when the Russians were still standing in Bucha, and the route was a grey zone. It was possible to run into Russians. We passed the last checkpoint. The Ukrainians told us that we continue at our own risk.
“Well, and who did we meet next? Ukrainian soldiers and… British special forces. Uniformed. With weapons. They moved with the Ukrainians in trucks and off-road vehicles with artillery radars. They were tracking targets. They were learning about this war. Such radar tracks where mortar or rocket shells fall and are fired.”
…A year later, Declassified revealed that 50 elite British troops were in Ukraine, citing a leaked US intelligence file. The UK contingent was three times larger than any other ally. Among those who claimed to have been trained by UK special forces was Daniil Lyashuk, who had previously been convicted of torture by a Ukrainian court.’
Now as much as we can debate the the morality of supporting Ukraine, with their Azov battalions and the like, I’ve done that in previous content and am not going to go over that again here, but it is imperative that we question the wisdom, or clear lack thereof of sending British troops into an active war zone. What happens if they’re drawn into direct conflict with Russia? What happens if British lives are lost? And let’s not forget – this is a war that has no clear end in sight. Are we ready for the long-term consequences?
Here’s where I think things get even more troubling though. To fund this increased military involvement, the UK government is making devastating cuts to public services. According to various sources, public services could face cuts of up to 11% to free up funds for defence spending. That means less money for healthcare, education, and local councils – services that are already stretched to breaking point or have gone clean past that point now and if you give it some thought, about the departments and areas which now face spending cuts, what Starmer is doing and how he is choosing to do it is utterly criminal and really should be having people asking if we have to sacrifice these sort of things, what are we fighting for exactly?
Think about it for a second. While billions are being sent to Ukraine, schools in the UK are struggling to afford textbooks. Hospitals are understaffed and local councils are cutting essential services like waste collection and social care. Is this really the right priority for a country still recovering from a cost-of-living crisis that we should go to war instead of dealing with the real problems affecting our everyday lives?
There is enough to do here, there are financial needs here outside of defence that if not addressed leave people wondering quite rightly what are we defending exactly when there’s not much left to defend? Inflation is high, growth is stagnant, and public debt is soaring. Yet, instead of investing in the UK’s future, Starmer is choosing to pour money into a foreign conflict and Rachel From Accounts hasn’t bleated about her fiscal rules in relation to that once.
Now, some might argue that this is about standing up to Russian aggression and defending democracy, I’d argue this war is nowhere near so black and white as that as well, NATO expansionism the trigger as much as you can point to Russian invasion and aggression. But at what point do we say, ‘Enough is enough’? At what point do we prioritise the needs of our own people, because right now, it feels like the British public is being asked to pay the price for a war that isn’t theirs.
Let’s also talk about the risks for a moment too. Sending troops to Ukraine isn’t just a logistical challenge – it’s a geopolitical gamble. It is a move that could escalate tensions with Russia more directly with us here, and any boots on the ground are already being mooted as a direct threat by NATO against Russia from Putin, potentially drawing the UK and other nations besides into a broader conflict and that’s without bringing the notion of nukes into the conversation as well.
There’s a big difference between standing up to aggression and recklessly escalating a conflict, especially when all conflicts only every end one way and that is through constructive negotiation and dialogue from both sides to bring about an end to it all and right now, it feels like Starmer would rather portray a brylcreemed Mr Benn and parade about in fatigues when the only fatigue really being felt is the British people towards him, but in all seriousness his ego trip right now to distract from economic issues, spending cuts and his raging and ever increasing unpopularity, is one that could have catastrophic consequences for the UK and beyond.
And then there is the human cost. On one hand, you have the people of Ukraine, those caught up in the middle, who are suffering immensely and deserve our support. On the other hand, you have the people of the UK, who are being asked to sacrifice their own quality of life to fund this war effort, also suffering, yet have a government seemingly caring more about another country than this one.
That’s not to be callous about these things you understand, but we shouldn’t have to choose between helping others and helping ourselves because the money is there if Starmer and Co would choose to tax the rich instead and not eternally place the burden on ordinary working class people, they the Labour Party, they who are supposed to represent us, yet have just morphed into yet another right wing party, no different to the Tories or Reform UK. The British public is being forced to bear the burden of a decision they didn’t make and that’s not right.
But what do you think? Is Keir Starmer’s decision to send troops to Ukraine and increase funding for the war effort the right move? Would you be prepared to see your child sent into this conflict as has been mooted as well, or is it all a dangerous and unnecessary move from Starmer paid for at our expense that could have devastating consequences for the UK not just militarily but perhaps economically too? Let me know in the comments below.
Meanwhile whilst Starmer can’t fall over himself fast enough to aid white skinned, blue eyed and blonde haired Ukrainians, especially refugees here in the UK, the same can’t be said of Palestinians and that distinction has blown up amid accusations of racism on his part, and his cosplaying here won’t be helping the optics of that, not when he is one of the Israel’ Lobby’s most loyal bought and paid for assets. Check out the fallout he’s had on that score in this video recommendation here as your suggested next watch. Please do also hit like, share and subscribe before you do so though, so as to not miss out on new content dropping daily and it all helps support the channel as well which is very much appreciated and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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