“I Have No Fuckin' Choice, Dad, Do I?” (February 2025)

21 days ago

A tense phone call between Andrew and Tom regarding who is Andrew's legal guardian. The answer is, of course, no one. No state agency has currently deemed Andrew as in need of a guardian.

Andrew begins the call by stating that he is going to shop for himself, but “don't yell at me” if he runs out of food stamps before the end of the month. This is one of Andrew's thinly veiled ultimatums: Shop for me, or I will spitefully spend all my food stamps at once.
0:55 - Tom says that Andrew has a hearing coming up next month "to be your own payee." If Tom is no longer Andrew's payee, he'd essentially be able to wash his hands of Andrew forever.
3:28 – Tom hangs up on Andrew, causing Andrew to spiral.

Original title: dad is a had mood so he will take it on me then everyone around me has to help me calm down [XEHU__CJGlo]
Uploaded by Andrew Ditch on: February 5, 2025

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