Floating Pipe Will Clean Up 90% Of Ocean Debris By 2040

6 years ago

Ocean debris is a major problem we have right now in the world. There is so much littering that goes on, and people are not helping to keep the waters clean. This video discusses a pipe that is planning to clean up the ocean debris. This is such a great video and very informative to watch. It is amazing how inspiring others and their inventions can be. Someone was fed up with all the water debris, they decided to make a change. This floating pipe, will eliminate up to 90% of ocean debris by the year 2040. That is still quite some years ahead, but that is what it takes to clean up the major mistakes we as humans have made. Hopefully this will help spread awareness about the big issue of people polluting the waters with waste and debris.

There is approximately 150 million tons of trash in our ocean. People continue to litter our oceans and it is a major problem that isn’t discussed often. The way things are going right now looks bad as it is expected the amount of trash in the next decade to triple. There is already 150 million tons of accumulated trash in our oceans, and it is going to be tripled in 10 years. That is so shocking and disturbing. There are so many people on the earth right now that it is almost expected this could happen. Especially when most people are not doing anything to stop their habits of throwing trash in the ocean. Not only is this lifestyle unhealthy for aquatic life, but it pollutes the oceans and therefore the food we eat that lives in them. All the chemicals contaminate the ocean and poison it.

There is a 2000 foot long pipe that will hopefully solve this issue. This pipe is called Wilson and it will help clean up the trash in the ocean. This pipe is shaped like a U and it drags a net behind it at as well. The net and the pipe will move and collect floating debris from the oceans.. It uses its U shape to wrap around the trash and collect it at the bottom of the U. This will collect the trash both in the net and the U of the pipe! Once all the trash is collected in the U and the net, a boat will come and collect the trash and dispose of it. The trash will be collecting for a few months then it will be disposed of so the process can start all over again. It kind of acts like a giant dust pan, waiting for you to empty it!

The trash that is collected will then be recycled and turned into other useful things for us. The first task for Wilson will be the great pacific garbage patch which is a giant patch of garbage that is between California and Hawaii. Wilson will do a big dent in this patch while it is there for 6 months! Wilson seems like such a great idea and it will surely help out the terrible situation we are in!

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