Older vid of Hughes' Valenti Theory w/ other pics-Buell also setup-Caller caught Cory using Fake Pic

1 day ago

continues from:
Updated notes on Valenti files:
The bottom line is there's NO EVIDENCE tying Valenti to the actual shooting or any sniper or operator training & the Pic of Valenti & Morales on the limo appears to be Ready & Landis.
Ready is not in the car where he said he rode in the fron tmiddle seat because he's on the running board misidentified as Valenti and hasn't climbed in yet.
He looks short because he's crouching to jump in the car or getting low for stability.
That's Landis' side profile, hair, sunglass, suit and tie, see my previous vid, that he was filmed wearing earlier the same day. The flat top isn't much differnt than his, just sharper lines which probably have to do with the sunlight or camera mechanics.
The reason Landis is back in the car again in the later pic is he always was, the guy on the running board is him, not Morales.
At least one of the 10 people Hughes counts in the vehicle is a bystander on the grass behind the vehicle.
Valenti isn't a sniper, he's a media guy and a bureaucrat. He works inside. Hughes seems to have caught the admission he's CIA, but that doesn't make him an operator and certainly not a sniper. There are many office workers in the CIA. They don't get tasked with a job like shooting JFK that the entire agency's future hangs on.
They hire snipers for that.
Now, this doesn't falsify everything Hughes ever said, but it hurts his credibility when he makes authoritative declarations without showing why he believes that. You can see pretty clearly here, he has a pattern of making his mind up before he's seen all the evidence, and then he organizes the new evidence to support his preconceived theory.

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