3 Steps to Keep Couples from Growing Apart - 218

16 days ago

As marriage counselors counsel as many couples as they have, they get used to hearing certain phrases a lot. One of the phrases they hear the most from distressed spouses in failing marriages is: “We’ve grown apart.” What began as a deeply romantic and satisfying relationship is now the opposite. The result is increasing emotional distance that is commonly described as “growing apart.”

In each instance of this dynamic, the essence of partnership is being disregarded. The unity that was once present has now dissipated, leaving the individuals feeling like two separate beings. Even without a deep understanding of love's principles, couples can sense that something is amiss in their relationship. And indeed, it is. Marriage is meant to be a close bond where two lives are shared in harmony. To achieve this, we must not allow emotional distance to creep in; instead, we must actively grow together and remain united as one.

If you can identify with the feeling that you’ve grown apart in your marriage, this episode will give some direction in how you can reverse that process. If you haven’t grown apart, this episode will help you understand how you can prevent it from occurring as you learn important keys to help you grow together for a lifetime. Throughout this episode we will share with you three important steps in growing together with your spouse.

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