Sen. Ron Johnson: 'Covid Shots Aren’t Vaccines—They Changed the Definition to Cover It Up'

6 hours ago

Sen. Ron Johnson on the Covid "vaccines":

"This is not a vaccine. They literally changed the definition to encompass this."

"There are a number of lies told, starting with it's going to stay in your arm.... They knew this was going to go all over the body. Why did they lie to us?"

"It's not messenger RNA—it's modified RNA. Messenger RNA... degrades very quickly in the body."

"This doesn't do that. This enters the cell, takes over the cell, turns it into a manufacturing site to express that spike protein... It's toxic to the body."

"It's not self. Anything that's not yourself is an enemy of the body. So they know the body's going to attack it."

"So that's a real problem."

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