Dwight Hawkins & The Piedmont Highballers - Five Foot Two, Eyes of Blue #lovinbluegrass

19 days ago

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Dwight Hawkins, Vocals & Everything #dwighthawkins
Jeremy Marcotte, Banjo #jeremymarcotte
Matt Kinman, Mandolin #mattkinman
Kevin Burnet, Guitar #kevinburnet

Haywood House Show
Moncure, NC #moncurenc

Five Foot Two, Eyes of Blue Lyrics (1925)

Five foot two, eyes of blue
But oh, what those five foott could do
Has anyone seen my gal

Turned up nose and turned down hose
Never had another beau
Has anyone seen my gal

Now, if you run into five foot two covered with fur
Diamond ring and all those things
Bet your life it isn't hers
Could she love could she woo
Could she love could she coo
Has anyone seen my gal

Five foot two, eyes of blue, but oh what those five foot could do
Has anyone seen my gal
Now, if you run into five foot two covered with fur
Diamond ring and all those things
Bet your life that it wasn't her

Could she loving could she coo
Could she could she woo
Has anyone seen my gal

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