Serious Question: Why Are There 8 Genders In The Talmud?

1 day ago

Can someone forward this question to Ben Shapiro for me please? I thought there were only 2 genders? Not according to the central text of Rabbinic Judaism and the guide to Jewish law, ethics, and daily life there isn't. There are 8 of them and they are listed as follows:

1. Zachar: Male
2. Nekeva: Female
3. Androgynos: Intersex
4. Tumtum: Ambiguous or indeterminate
5. Aylonit hamah: Female-to-male transition naturally
6. Aylonit adam: Female-to-male transition by intervention
7. Saris hamah: Male-to-female transition naturally
8. Saris adam: Male-to-female transition by intervention

Does this mean that Jews are behind gender dysphoria and transgender identity?

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