Minecraft 1.18.2 | Hardcore | World 3 | No-F3 | RSG | UA System Module Fabpack

20 days ago

Now I KNOW Minecraft has it in for me. It’s yet another icy and snowy start to my new world.

I’ve started integrating the first of the UA Fabpack modpack modules (System), which also means shaders and resource packs as well.

It is a pretty experience, even if I don’t live for very long thanks to the biome and decisions.

This world is now committed to the great bit bucket in the sky.

Why is the video quality so variable?
This series of videos is being rescued from a combination of streamed VODs that were originally copied to Youtube, video recorded during gameplay, and a setup that wasn’t really optimised at the time (streaming, gameplay, and recording all on the one system - it’s amazing there weren’t more crashes).

In the best case, the video has only gone through three re-encodings before I even get to it (Recorded at interpolated resolution and frame rate - Youtube upload - Download back to local system). 1080p30 was very much aspirational at times. Bitrates? Consistent? Eh, nope.

Rest assured that later content has been captured and stored properly. If only my skill levels improved at the same rate.

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