Hearing God’s voice

1 month ago

Hearing God’s voice—From the movie: Young David (2023)❤️ God desires an intimate walk with you. You do not need to face alone. Throughout history, many have had a close walk with God. God created this world and mankind. The first people God created were Adam and Eve. They had an intimate and personal walk with God. They used to walk and talk with God – They were close. But everything changed on that dreadful day when the devil tempted them. They took the enemy’s bait, causing them to sin against God. Right after this moment, Adam and Eve hid from God. Their once close relationship with God was messed up. God is love and so dearly wanted to fix this broken relationship with humankind. But God is holy and, therefore, could not mix with sin. God is also just and, thus, had to punish sin. This left all of us spiritually dead. But thank God, this was not the end of the story… God set up a plan. This involved sending His pure and holy Son, who came to die on the cross, paying the full price for the very sin that cut us off from our Holy God, ensuring sin was judged. The good news is that instead of you and me being condemned for sin, Jesus took the curse of sin on Himself, satisfying God’s wrath and ensuring that we could be made right with God and come back into a close relationship with God. God wants a close walk with you. If you want to start/restart your walk with God, click the link in our bio to pray a simple prayer we have for you❤️ Be sure to follow us (@betteryouliving) to help you grow in your walk with God and achieve your God-given purpose❤️ May God bless you abundantly!❤️ 👉P.S. If you want to end 2024 off with a bang—refreshed vision, purpose, and passion—check out Dare to Dream (link in bio). —— I think we can all agree that there are so many lost, broken and bound people out there. Join us as we aim to see 1M salvations through social media and our blog! It’s a BIG aim, but we serve a BIGGER God! If you feel led to join us on this amazing journey, we’d greatly appreciate your following 👉 (@betteryouliving) May God bless you abundantly!

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