Hi Low Height Adjustable Motorized Electrical Treatment Table Examination Couch Dual Section

2 days ago

Biotronix Hi Low Height Adjustable Motorized Electrical Treatment Table Examination Couch Dual Section

Biotronix Hi Low Height Adjustable Bobath Table Motorized (Electrical) Dual Section Dual Function (from wheelchair height to maximum and backrest adjustment motorized) used in physiotherapy and rehabilitation.

Biotronix Hi Low Height Adjustable Bobath Table Motorized (Electrical) Dual Section Dual Function (from wheelchair height to maximum and motorized backrest adjustment) used in physiotherapy and rehabilitation

CHARACTERISTICSoperation: electric (motorized). Features: height adjustable

There are two portions.The Biotronix Bobath Table provides neurological exercise therapy. Because of their superior stability, the Bobath and Vojta motion systems can be used to perfection. A durable couch that allows both the patient and the practitioner to sit in the most comfortable treatment positions.

hi low treatment table, height adjustable examination couch, motorized electrical treatment table, dual section medical couch, physiotherapy treatment table, adjustable therapy table, electric examination couch

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