Deadly Lithium Used By Big Pharma To Kill Your Mind. Toxic At Every Level! Oracle News

13 days ago

🎯NOTE: Tony, Lithium is also one of the main toxins that is sprayed from the planes in the Chemtrails! FACT💯
This is her third video that covers the dangerous chemical waste given to people in the form of synthetic "vitamins" and medications. One form of lithium is given to manic depressive and bipolar patients and it's deadly. The most toxic medications and fake "vitamins" are given to the most gravely ill. That's so the Kazarian Jewish Mafia make the most money and can cause us the most pain while killing us as a sacrifice to Satan.
Watch her first two videos and you'll see the depth of the deception given to the public under synthetic "vitamins" and Pharmaceuticals. You will be shocked at how long this genocide has been actually going on.
🔹To support her work and to get yourself some of God's natural healing agents, see:
🔹To see her years of research on the COVID-DIVOC "vaccine" bioweapon including the spiritual aspects and gematria decodes, see:
🔻Source: Oracle News🔻
🔻🔻AetherMedia22 Tony Punch🔻🔻
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