Special Announcements About The Freedom Under Natural Law Conference - 2 Day Event February 22-23

20 days ago

Are you ready for a spectacular event full of great speakers, teachers and musicians!? We're excited to announce more details & news about the next Freedom Under Natural Law conference going live this whole weekend of February 22nd.. This will be the forth event that Leslie has been working behind the scenes for, with fellow friends & collaborators within The One Great Work Network.. I've been included in the organization team this year as well, so we will be sharing a few reveals about the event in this episode..

There is a special taplink (biolink hub) for the event which includes links to the presenters, the FUNL website, telegram chat room and facebook group where you're invited to join.

website: https://freedomundernaturallaw.com

Please share the news about the conference where & when you can! There are some fliers in the telegram & facebook groups that you can easily download and share on social media.

All our other works, channels, platforms and contacts can be found in our links below:
We also have a dedicated Odysee channel for our show, which allows you to download any videos on there in-browser for free & no hassle..

Her website: https://alivethrive.life
she's also a part of a great network of researchers and truth speakers

Derek's portal of conscious content of over 300 videos: https://linktr.ee/derekbartolacelli

he's also a part of a weekly discussion table:

As You can see, we're quite active and got a lot more to come, so stay tuned and invite your friends and family!

Thank you for watching

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