Orthodoxy, Heterodoxy & Ecumenism w/Fr.Peter Heers

8 days ago

"Has the Church compromised her boundaries? Where does salvation lie, and how should we engage with Evangelicals, Protestants of all stripes, and Roman Catholics? In this episode of The Transfigured Life, we talk with Fr. Peter Heers from ‪@OrthodoxEthos‬ on the topic of 'Ecumenism'."

"Fr. Peter Heers joins Fr. Jonathan Ivanoff and Luther Menard for a discussion on Ecumenism."

This video in which Fr. Jonathan Ivanoff (OCA) participated was censored by his Archbishop. Here is a statement by The Transfigured Life:

"At the request of the Archbishop, we have been asked to take the video down. Out of obedience to him we must remove it. Thanks for those who engaged in this important conversation ☦"

It was Archbishop Michael of the OCA who leaned on The Transfigured Life to take down his wonderful podcast with Fr. Peter. Don't you think he should be policing this priest [Fr. Christopher Calin] (see https://www.dissidentmama.net/wheres-the-clerical-consistency-part-1/) in his own ranks directly under his care before policing Fr. Peter?! The censorship of good priests is unacceptable!

Retrieved from:

Produced and published by:
The Transfigured Life (https://www.youtube.com/@TheTransfiguredLife)

Recently re-uploaded to The Orthodox Ethos channel here:

Also see:




#Orthodox #catholic #ecumenism

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