The Sky is High and the Wind Sings

22 days ago

The Sky is High and the Wind Sings
Evening Star Fantasy Ambience

#eveningstar #kpop #classicalmusic

Why the sky is so blue
Like it does not know any sadness
It keeps crumbling towards tomorrow without hesitation

Life was born with something missing to begin with
There are also things that are full of pain
This runaway heart is touched by you

Two of us walk the future
With stainless strength

The sky is high with the wind singing
To the joy
Of having dreams
People will arrive one day
Such faith is in your childlike eyes
I am right by your side
We get out of the freezing forest
So that your eyes will not be deceived
By the world's grief

Why only the light that does not reach here
Always carries dazzling righteous more than anything
Towards hopeless tomorrow to judge people

I tried to gently touch your cold back
I do not believe the world's kindness
Therefore I was kinder than anyone else

I having been living towards the future
Leaving wind behind in the sky

I wonder where dreams are idling at
Everyone was gone before I realize it
I move back to this shore
Believing that I will get used to the fragments of light
The thoughts of returning to darkness
Have been burned out
That light is my guide
That the world is still having dreams

The sky is high with the wind singing
The memory of your dream
Your scream
Is making
Gentle echoes

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