TIN MAN feat.On US DEBT CLOCK - Oct 24, 2023

2 days ago

TIN MAN feat.On US DEBT CLOCK - Oct 24, 2023
WIZARD OF OZ Msg Exposes US Banking Cartel
People Have The Power To Liquidate Them
Ukraine, China, Iran, Iraq - US TaxPayer Pays For It All

TIN= Taxpayer Indentification Number
TIN MAN= You (TaxPayer) - Paying For Cartel
(heartless, working self to death, controlled)
OZ = Ounces = GOLD
Yellow Brick Road = Bars of GOLD
STRAWMAN = Legal Fiction, Birth Cert., Fed Gov Created - wanted a brain
WIZARD= Veil Con Man, Fraud
Emerald City - Fed Reserve System

QP 4886
Ukraine, China, Iraq, Iran, ...... opens the door far beyond the BIDEN family.
How do you protect your interests [shelter from prosecution _public awareness]?
Control [infiltrate] DOJ, FBI, State, Intel, News, ........?
How many *fired* FBI [Russia _Midyear] received a book deal?
Book deals can be lucrative.
Follow the family.
US TAXpayer(s) paid for it all.

h/t Anny, https://t.me/aussiechiq/25558 , Shell


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