Who is The Bride of Christ? - PART 2 - It's Not The Church!

3 days ago


In part 2 of our "Who Is the Bride?" series, we explore the deep symbolism of Jerusalem, Zion, and New Jerusalem being personified as a woman. This metaphor reveals that New Jerusalem is ultimately the Bride of Christ, a city prepared for His eternal reign. As believers, we are the guests invited to the wedding—a call extended by Yah Himself. Through Scripture, we learn that while Jerusalem was once seen as Israel's mother, she was divorced and left desolate. Yet, Yah promises to restore and transform her. This transformation signifies that we will be born again from her, spiritually reborn into a new life in the Kingdom of God—New Jerusalem.

New Jerusalem represents the restoration and fulfillment of God's promises, where His presence will dwell forever with His people. It's a city of peace, truth, and eternal communion with Yah. Join us as we dive deeper into this beautiful vision and our role in this grand spiritual celebration!

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