Article 5273 Video - International Public Notice: Good-bye, Finally to John McCain By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 5273 Video - International Public Notice: Good-bye, Finally, to John McCain - Friday, February 14, 2025 By Anna Von Reitz

Finally, official confirmation of what we have known for many years -- that Congress, through various backdoors, was funding the very "Terrorist" organizations they were using as front-groups to conduct mercenary and intelligence operations in the Middle East.

Much of this illegal, unlawful, and immoral activity was promoted by "the Dirty Dozen" in the Municipal Congress -- the same group that fronted the "independent international city-state" of the Municipality of Washington, DC, and used it as a foreign civilian government squatting on our shores to conduct privateering operations against our government and our people while spending our money and enjoying our unearned hospitality.

The happily deceased Senator John McCain, who was not a war hero, but rather a wartime collaborator and spy, was the kingpin and ringleader for the development of a parade of Middle Eastern Terrorist organizations including Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and ISIS.
We have photos of McCain kissing Yassir Arafat before anyone knew Yassir Arafat existed.

McCain also knew all about and funded the activities of one Osama bin Laden, who was a primary CIA operative in the Mideast. He didn't, by the way, meet his end at the hands of Seal Team Six, even though Seal Team Six took responsibility for it --- and was paid back by the CIA accordingly.

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