God Calls You His Precious Treasure!

20 days ago

God has a plan to pour Himself into us. He calls us a treasure—He calls us precious! We are like common clay jars that carry the glorious treasure of God’s immeasurable power within us. God’s brilliant light shines out of darkness into us, that dawning light of the glorious knowledge of God seen as we gaze into the face of Jesus. That brilliant light of the gospel of Jesus is the only force that will overcome the darkness of this world. That light can be seen in us and through us after we’re born again. Now our body communicates even when our mouth doesn’t—so, make sure it shows forth the light of Jesus working in your life instead of the ways of the world. Remember, Jesus change you so you know He can change anyone!

Watch “We Are God’s Glorious Treasure” at https://subspla.sh/dh7s9cw

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©2025 Rev. Catherine C. Duplantis

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