Doing Good on the Sabbath

10 hours ago

Doing good on the Sabbath through the lens of Mark. Jesus' healing of a man with a withered hand on the Sabbath, despite the scrutiny and accusations from religious leaders. Hear about the questions Jesus asked them before doing good on the Sabbath.

Sermon Notes
Mark 3:1 – 3 Jesus, His enemies, a man with a withered hand are all together in a synagogue on the Sabbath
Mark 3:4 Jesus Asks is it lawful to do good or arm on the Sabbath, but they don’t respond
Mark 3:5 Even though Jesus is angry and grieved He heals the man
Mark 3:6 The Pharisees and Herodians seek to destroy Jesus
Mark 3:7 – 10 Jesus sought ny Jews and Gentiles to be healed by touching Him
Mark 3:11 & 12 Unclean spirits cried out who Jesus is, but He warned them not to reveal who He is

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