We Tried For 1 More Baby & Came Home With 4 | MY EXTRAORDINARY FAMILY

22 days ago

FARRAH and Peyton tried for one baby girl and got FOUR. The couple already had their two-year-old son, Peyton Jr. and were in for quite a surprise when they found out they were having quadruplets. The couple conceived their eight-week-old daughters Lyric, Paisley, Psalm and Fallyn naturally, which is extremely rare with doctors estimating the odds to be approximately one in 700,000 births. The couple were floored when they went in for an ultrasound scan and they were informed Farrah was carrying four babies. Peyton said: “It felt like somebody punched me in the stomach and then stomped me out.” Farrah said: ”He was grabbing the wall like, ‘is there some water somewhere?!’ I was like ‘oh my goodness’.’” Farrah and Peyton said their friends and family thought they were ‘playing’ when they told them they were expecting quads. Farrah’s mom, Sue said: “My initial reaction was ‘oh my God.’ Then I went into action. I'm like ‘what do we do?’, ‘how do we plan for four babies?’”. The family shared their happy news on social media and were met with a lot of positivity but people also accused them of lying about not having IVF treatments. Farrah said: “I’m like, I take vitamin C - this is nothing that we did… I would not purposely have four kids.” Describing their life as ‘happy chaos’, when asked if they would like any more kids, the couple replied with a firm ‘no.’

Social Media Links: https://gofund.me/84c2859d

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