The F**ked Up History Of Gucci

1 month ago

🎬 PLEASE NOTE: The movie clips & photos I’ve used to represent some of the characters are from the film ‘House of Gucci’.

There’s quite a few characters in the Gucci story as it spans a long time period, but basically you can think of it as a story of 4 generations:
1️⃣ The first is all about the very humble beginnings of Gucci
2️⃣ The second is about how the company expanded
3️⃣ The third generation is complete chaos
4️⃣ And then the fourth is life after the Gucci family lost control of their own company.

Welcome to another crazy business story - this is the dramatic origin story of one of the world's most luxurious and wealthy brands. Gucci is one of the hottest fashion brands in the world with an estimated value of $22.6 billion dollars. But, what begins as a rags-to-riches story of a small family business becomes a dark, shocking tale of betrayal. Underneath the glamour of the fashion world, there were frequent family feuds, lawsuits, an attempted corporate takeover, and even murder. So sit back, relax, get comfortable - because in this video, we’re going on a journey through Gucci’s insane and controversial history. This is the story of Gucci - including how Gucci started, the rise and expansion of the Gucci business, brand strategies and marketing / product changes, and the Gucci family's controversies along the way to success. I hope you enjoy this business documentary with a dark twist.

Honestly I never expected to be making business stories about fashion companies - I expected I’d mostly stick with tech businesses. But so many of these fashion brands have such wild stories that it seemed a shame not to share them here on YouTube.

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