Dr. Andrew Wakefield sheds light on Simpsonwood Vaxx scandal

2 days ago

Dr. Andrew Wakefield sheds light on the Simpsonwood scandal, "a highly secret meeting between representatives of federal agencies and vaccine experts to cover up the fact that they had discovered a highly significant link between... the hepatitis B vaccine and autism".

"It was not only a threat to the vaccine, but of more concern to the authorities—to the vaccine manufacturers, to the regulators. It was a threat to them. It was a threat to their credibility."

"And what they did then was to fudge the data, to take out the comparison unvaccinated group, and to present the data as saying that there is no link between thimerosal and autism."

"Then they went on, obviously, to remove [the hepatitis B vaccine] slowly... It should have come out immediately from that point. But thousands, millions more children were put at risk of serious permanent neurological injury in the form of autism and related disorders."

"And it was all done not to protect the children... It was done to protect the reputations and the credibility of the vaccine regulators. And that is utterly appalling."

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