Deadly Austria Stabbing Was Islamist Attack

2 days ago

☪ Islamic Jihad: The Demons Are Released To Go Out Across The Earth Like a Plague of Locusts (❖ Revelation 9:1-11)

🔪 A stabbing that left a teenager dead and five others injured in southern Austria was an "Islamist attack", Austria's Interior Minister Gerhard Karner said on Sunday.

"It is an Islamist attack with IS connections," Karner told reporters in the southern city of Villach where Saturday's attack took place, referring to the Islamic State jihadist group.

He added the suspect -- a 23-year-old Syrian asylum seeker -- was radicalised online "in a short space of time".

In the attack in the centre of the city, a man went after passers-by with a folding knife, police said.

The Syrian was arrested just after the attack, which a fellow Syrian food deliverer stopped by ramming a car into the attacker.

A 14-year-old boy died, while five other men were hurt, including two seriously. Among the wounded are two other teens, both aged 15, police said.

The suspect is an asylum seeker with a valid residence permit and no criminal record, according to police.

At the site of the crime, residents were placing candles in front of shops in a street, where the attack happened in the centre of Villach, a city in Carinthia province. Some hugged.

"I am afraid for my children. I am afraid for those around me. I fear for the future. I fear where this will lead. I am endlessly sad," local resident Tanja Planinschek told AFP at the site.

"Not only I, but all of us have been afraid for a long time that something bigger will happen," she said, adding the country "should open our eyes and see whom we let in, whom we help, whom we leave with all kinds of freedoms. If nothing is done, it will get even worse."

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👉 Courtesy: Hindustan Times

🛑 በኦስትሪያ ዋና ከተማ በቪየና የአይሁድ መቃብር በእሳት ተቃጥሎና በስዋስቲካ እና በሂትለር ግራፊቲ (ቀለም) ተበላሽቶ ተገኝቷል።

ዝነኛውን ጀርመናዊ የካልሲካል ሙዚቃ አቀናባሪን ሉድቪግ ቫን ቤትሆቨን ጨምሮ የብዙ ታሪካዊ ሰዎች እና በዓለም ላይ ካሉት ታላላቅ የመቃብር ስፍራዎች አንዱ የሆነ ነው።

ጽሑፉ ግድግዳው ላይ ነው፤ የአርብ ሰዎች የሆኑት ሙስሊሞች ሁሌም ፤ "መጀመሪያ የቅዳሜ ሰዎች (አይሁዶች)፣ ከዚያም የእሁድ ሰዎች (ክርስቲያኖች)" እያሉ ነው የዘር ማጽዳት ዘመቻቸውን ላለፉት ሺህ አራት መቶ ዓመታት የሚያኪያሂዱት። የተባበሩት መንግስታት እና የአውሮፓ ህብረት ከእስልምና እምነት ተከታዮች ጋር ተሰልፈው ጥንታውያኑን አይሁዶችንና ክርስቲያኖችን ለማጥፋት እየሞከሩ ነው። በአገራችንም በግልጽ የምናየው ይህን ነው።

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💭 በአውሮፓ በሁለቱ ታሪካዊ እና ውብ ካቴድራሎች ላይ ጥቃት ለመሰንዘር ያቀደው ሙስሊም በኦስትሪያ ራሱን ሰቅሏል።

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