Roseanne Barr & Jack Posobiec involvement with "Q" (OPERATION TRUST 1921-26)- Tom Green

2 days ago

I found this video interesting of Jack Posobiec with Roseanne Barr together (2023) saying that Q was a PSY-OP as I distinctly remember it was Jack Posobiec & Roseanne Barr who were the FIRST to make the public AWARE of this 4-chan poster named "Q" just WEEKS after Q began posting on October 30th 2017.

I remember it was Jack Posobiec hosting Alex Jones INFOWARS on November 17th 2017 when he brought up Roseanne Barr's twitter page going down after she mysteriously posted "Who is Q?". Of course I immediately went to 4-CHAN to find this Q and began to see all these YT Channels popping up pushing Q like "Q said this and it happened!" etc.... I will say that Jack Posobiec is ex-naval intelligence just like Stephen Bannon so always good to remember but Jack never pushed the Q stuff as I remember back then but he did bring it up to all of Alex Jones's listeners (Millions) so to see these 2 together I find interesting.

The Q stuff was believable when it first started & the hype slowly began to build. I had a YT channel "OILGUY" as I worked in the Alberta oilfields and most of my videos would get 500 views but I put up one Jerome Corsi video in January 2018 talking about Q and it got over 100,000 VIEWS just showing the HYPE from people interested (Hopium was brewing!!).

Only a few month later I came to the realization it was a PSY-OP due to NOTHING coming true but relying on people who have the memory of a Goldfish to forget what this Q Poster had posted. Around May 2018 I was making my own "DEBUNKING Q" videos and going to the SOURCE (4chan & then 8Chan when they moved). I was NOT popular with the Q-BELIEVERS and got my share of HATE as they just wanted to feel that "HOPIUM" that some Military Official was going to SAVE THEM but it was LIES just telling people what they WANTED to hear (It was targetting Conservatives audience).

Even back in 2018 I knew of the Jewish Bolsheviks "OPERATION TRUST" over 100 years ago as the FIRST Q telling the Russian people (1921-1926) there were people fighting the Jewish communists inside the government so no need to do anything but just "SIT BACK & ENJOY THE SHOW" (As Q always said) so they would NOT get involved knowing patriots were fighting for them but the Jewish Bolsheviks were the ones running "OPERATION TRUST" the whole time.
Just to share one of the many things I debunked was on April 2nd 2018 President Trump came out and said something like "Everything is in TIP TOP shape" and this Q POSTER then put out an old (January 19th 2018) post with 1 day before President Trumps "STATE OF THE UNION" address and said "Hey Q. Get Trump to say something like "TIP TOP" in his speech as a shout out to the Q community". Well President Trump never said that on January 20th 2018 but he did say it on April 2nd which this Anonymous poster then referenced the January 19th 2018 post and said "You asked. We Delivered!". Yeah 9 weeks AFTER the supposed request. And what I noticed as well when you are on 4-CHAN everyone posts have an (ID#) to them unless you are looking at your OWN POST it will say (YOU) and I noticed they took the SCREENSHOT of the post & it said (YOU) which meant it was the poster Q who make that post on January 19th 2018.

I then did a search for "Donald Trump Tip Top" and I got videos of 4 different occassions where Donald Trump used that unique phrase & why they put that post on January 19th 2018 but Trump never said it. I put out 2 videos explaining to Q people who they are manipulating them but when you have HOPIUM you do not have any OBJECTIVITY and ONLY SEE what you WANT TO SEE. Q is like a CULT and I realized they will only awaken to the truth when they get TIRED of nothing happening where the HOPIUM dies down and they begin to think OBJECTIVELY again. The Q posts ended immediately after Joe Biden won the election so I assumed that was it for the Q PSYOP but after 18 months of being silent the Q posts started again and people amazingly began to follow it. I was blown away that anyone would be that GULLIBLE. OK that was my Q rant that I never talk about as I knew all too well what was going back then in 2017/2018 when it was actually believable as it was NEW.

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