1997 PBC Firefighter / Media Fashion Show - Town of Palm Beach

3 days ago

(the details herein are admittedly hazy): April 20, 1997. The media reached out to Palm Beach County Fire Rescue asking for firefighters to join them on stage for a Fashion Show in the Town of Palm Beach. This highly extravagant event was fully sponsored. The clothing was custom and chosen from area businesses. Firefighters were scheduled for appt's to different boutiques " to be guided" in what their attire should / would be. Some of us wore styles we would have never worn and actually never wore again (haaa!). I heard that some were even treated to hair cuts, stylings and make overs. Family, Friends Co-Workers, Media Personalities, Dancers, Entertainers and RSVP locals were in attendance.

In credit to the amazing versatility of the fire service, some of these first responders REALLY "worked the runway" like pros (some, not so much)... We laughed, cheered, admired and laughed more. (I think there was a dinner and I believe it was good at least for those in the audience). The event was a BLAST.

The event was a fund raiser for a non-profit organization. Jim Sackett (news anchor) took the stage and met Jennifer Ross of WRMF, our event MC.
Fashion Show Fire Fighters

Pat Daymon
Charlie Shinn
Robin Herring
Nigel Baker
Dave Gadberry
Brad Havrilla
Krissy Ferry
Houston Park
Dave Iman
Susan Hall
Rich Vassalotti
Mike Hino
Joey Cooper
Bob Grosebeck
Sam Eaton
Mike Kemp
Jan Morantz
Dave Lincoln
Gordon(G) Drake and family

Special Appearance:
Jackson, Dalmatian (Sta 33)

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